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10 Fun Ways to Exercise your Dog


10 Fun Ways to Exercise your Dog

Making sure that your dogs get enough daily exercise is important – but it can get a little boring from time to time. After all, when you’ve travelled the same route a million times, seen the same lampposts and bushes in your local area, and experienced the same tug at certain parts of the road, it can all feel a little bit like you’re stuck in a rut.

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However, there are some fun ways that you can train up your exercising experience so that both you and your dog can get more from your walks. Here are just ten solutions to try.

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1.    Follow your Dog

For a bit of a twist, rather than taking your dog on a walk, why not let him or her walk you instead? Simply follow your dog wherever they go, making sure that you don’t trample all over private property or put yourself in danger at the same time.

2.    Go for a Run

Running with your dog helps you to get more exercise, and it’s a great way to tire out your pooch too. You can enjoy the fresh air, while improving the stamina in your body and strengthening your muscles. Chances are you’ll both get a better night’s sleep.

3.    Try Flyball

Flyball is a team game where your pooch works with other dogs to complete a task that’s similar to a relay race. Your dog will race down a course that includes four hurdles, and they’ll be carrying a tennis ball during the jumping and running.

4.    Try an Agility Group

If your pooch has a lot of energy, or extra pounds that they need to burn off, why not sign them up to an agility class? These high-energy classes include running, jumping, and plenty of other competitive exercise that will help your dog to learn new skills.

5.    Go Tracking

Though not all dog breeds are ideal for tracking, most can participate in some kind of tracking event. You can either see what’s going on in your local area, or hide treats around your garden or a local park area for your dog to sniff out!

6.    Play a Game of Fetch

Simple, but effective, a game of fetch can be more than enough to give your dog their daily exercise fix. Fetch is great for fitting into a busy schedule, and you don’t need to go far to get a game. A close-by backyard or park works just fine.

7.    A Play Date

Know another dog owner? Invite them to come along on your walk for a doggy play-date. The best forms of exercise for any animal are the ones they’d do naturally, and dogs absolutely love playing with other pooches. Just make sure you find two that get along!

8.    Teach them New Tricks

Exercise isn’t all about running and jumping – it’s important to exercise your dog’s brain too. After puppyhood has passed and you’ve taught all of the basic commands, you’ll be able to teach them something new, like bowing on command or high-fiving.

9.    Doggy Dancing

You’ve probably seen doggy dancing in the past on television shows. Simply grabbing your dog’s front paws and having fun to the music is a great way to exercise them and work off their pounds. Although you might find that it takes some time for your pooch to become a dancing master.

10.  Doggy Yoga

Finally, if your dog is good at following instructions, why not invite them along to a doggy yoga class? These options are becoming more popular around the world today as people look for new ways to engage their dogs, and spend time with their favorite furry friends.

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