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5 Tips To Make Your Dog Stop Barking


5 Tips To Make Your Dog Stop BarkingIf you’ve just got yourself a new dog, you’re in for a treat. It’s no wonder that these creatures are called ‘man’s best friend’. They will be at your side all the time and there for you when you need them the most. There’s just one issue… Training them can be a real problem from time to time.

One of the things that new dog owners find is that their pup keeps barking all the time. If you’ve found that your dog is a little on the loud side, you need to do something about it. After all, it’s your duty to make sure that your pet is quiet and happy. So, where should you start? Well, here are some tips to get you going.

Stop rewarding your dog for barking

The biggest mistake that pet owners make is rewarding their dog when it barks. You might find that giving your pet a tasty treat shuts them up for a while. While that may work in the short term, it will teach them bad behavior in the long term.

Give them lots of exercise!

When dogs are tired out, they don’t tend to make a massive fuss. You may find that the underlying reason for your pup’s barks is because they are bored. Be sure to take your dog out on long walks in the park so that they have no energy when they come home. It’s the least you can do to keep your pup healthy.

Ignore the barking as much as you can

As we’ve already mentioned, you should never reward your dog’s barking. You should take things one step further than that too. You should also make sure that you ignore your dog when they bark. That noise is a call for attention. If you don’t give it them, they will be sure to stop.

Related: How To Prep A Natural Diet For Your Dog

Get them used to other people

Another major reason that many dogs bark all of the time is because they don’t like new people coming into the home. If your pup kicks up a fuss when a friend comes over, you need to put a stop to this behavior. The best thing you can do is get them used to people. Socialize your dog as much as possible and introduce them to your friends.

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Teach them the ‘quiet’ command

Finally, you may want to try teaching your dog the ‘quiet’ command. That is to say that you use the word ‘quiet’ in a strong and firm way. When the dog settles, give them a reward. If you repeat this enough, your dog will learn how to get the reward from you very single time!

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  1. […] Related: 5 Tips To Make Your Dog Stop Barking […]

  2. Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle says

    These are great tips. My two boys are total loudmouths, so I need to give this a try.

  3. Bill Sweeney says

    I really lucked out with my dog. He’s never been a big barker. THANK goodness. We have so many things in our neighborhood that other dogs would absolutely loose it over.

  4. Melissa Chapman says

    We have one dog that barks and another that barks because the first one is barking. I will try to follow your tips so my dog is a little quieter hopefully.

    1. Kathy Burns says

      I sometimes wonder is they are somehow talking to each other. Like in a Disney film.

  5. Mitch says

    This is all great advice! I am forwarding this to my neighbor who just got a brand new dog. Thanks for sharing this!

  6. Dina Demarest says

    My dogs drive me crazy barking. I need to try to use Quiet. Duh. LOL

  7. Robin rue says

    These are great tips. My dog had anxiety and barked at everything – even the wind.

  8. Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly says

    I would like to print this out and slip it under my super’s door and put it by the mailboxes and all common areas, instead of keeping his dog indoors he leaves it outside literally all day and night, he’s on the first floor and I’m on the fifth and it sounds like that dog is inside MY home. It’s SUPER annoying. But then again most of my neighbors are, I guess it’s just ‘one more noise’ around here.

  9. Pam says

    It is very important to socialize your dog. If you don’t, they will definitely want to bark at anyone new.

  10. Travel Blogger says

    Great tips! This seems like one of the hardest habits to break, an with a baby in the house, it is crucial to keep our dog quiet as to avoid waking the baby. We will have to try out some of these techniques. We definitely need to work on the quiet command.

  11. chei says

    Oh these are great tips! Just too bad, my dog has died last 4 years ago.

  12. […] Related: 5 Tips To Make Your Dog Stop Barking […]

  13. Shannon Gurnee says

    I think that ignoring can be a way, but people also have to think of how neighbors would be affected too. Teaching them the Quiet Command is a good one too!

  14. Dawn McAlexander says

    Our dogs only bark when they are playing or when something that is not ordinary happens, such as a stranger knocking on our door. I feel very fortunate in that regard.

  15. Rosey says

    I never thought about ignoring it. That’s probably a hard one. Seems like the first thing people do when their dog barks is shush them. 🙂

  16. Angela Milnes says

    This is absolutely a good tips and I would tell this to my neighbor her dog was barking time to time.

  17. Amanda Love says

    These are great tips. It’s important that we train them and not to give them special treatment after the whole barking scenario. Giving treats to make them stop won’t help either. Again, great tips!

  18. Our Family World says

    Thank you for these tips. Our dog barks really loud at the paper boy and when someone comes near the door. I wish he’d bark only for a few seconds, but he’d carry on until someone yells, “Quiet!” I will try one of your tips and see if that helps.

  19. Ann Bacciaglia says

    I have never thought to just ignore the barking. My Sister has a Chihuahua and it loves to bark. I will have to share this with her.

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