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How to Perform CPR on Your Dog


How to Perform CPR on Your DogIf you have noticed that your dog is unconscious, they may suffer from respiratory arrest. In most cases, this situation may occur right before cardiac arrest. In some cases, the heart will keep beating for several minutes even after their breathing stops.

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It is important to begin artificial respiration right away if you want a chance of saving your dog’s life. If their heart stops beating, then you need to use chest compressions to ensure the blood continues to pump. Chest compressions and artificial respiration together are referred to as cardiopulmonary resuscitation – CPR.

Steps to Give Your Dog CPR

There are several steps you should follow if your dog needs CPR. These include:

  • Lie the dog on a flat surface and on their side.
  • Make sure their breathing has stopped. You can feel their chest and look at their gums as these will turn blue due to lack of oxygen.
  • Check the dog’s airway. It has to be clear.
  • Begin rescue breathing once the airway is clear.
  • With the dog on its side, lift their chin to straighten out the throat.
  • Use one hand for grasping the muzzle and holding the mouth shut.
  • Place your mouth completely over the nose and blow easily.
  • Continue the breathing at 20 breaths per minute.

Performing CPR on Your Dog

If you have noticed that your dog’s heart has stopped beating, then you should begin CPR immediately. It is a good idea to have two people to do this so that you can handle the artificial respiration, as well as the chest compressions at the same time. For two people who are doing CPR, you should alternate one breath with a series of three compressions and for one person doing CPR, you should alternate one breath for every five compressions.

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There are many reasons your dog may need CPR. Knowing what to do in a time of emergency may mean the difference in life and death. Make sure to keep this in mind if you have a pet. You never know when these skills could come in handy.

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